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Membrane Interface Probe

December 22, 2016

On a recent environmental subsurface exploration job in the heart of downtown Atlanta, Geo-Hydro used a Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) to monitor soil contaminates.  The MIP has the ability to measure soil contaminates in real time as the probe is pushed down through the soil.  The probe is a semi-permeable membrane incased in a stainless…

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Rule of Thumb for Deep Foundations

December 5, 2016

What is a Rule of Thumb? From “a general or approximate principle, procedure, or rule based on experience or practice, as opposed to a specific, scientific calculation or estimate.”  The one explanation from English Common Law which states that “a man is allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his…

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September 7, 2016

I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Yes, sir. Are you listening? Yes, I am. Karst There are many definitions of Karst.  Following are some of the more succinct ones: “an area of limestone terrain characterized by sinks, ravines, and underground streams”; “an irregular limestone region with sinkholes, underground…

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Winter is Coming

September 2, 2016

In the construction industry, we often think that winter weather conditions are the worst for earthwork operations.  Although this may be true, we know from experience that poor weather conditions can strike at any time, often wreaking havoc on construction schedules.  When natural drying from hot summer temperatures, warm winds, and time are not possible, we…

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Soil Compaction Primer

August 5, 2016

We have been shaping the earth to suit our needs ever since we stopped being hunter-gatherer nomad folk.  Properly shaping the ground and making sure it stays the way we intend requires moving soil and compacting soil.  Some call it “dirt”.  Dirt is the stuff under your fingernails.  When we use it as an engineering…

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A Primer on Coatings

December 8, 2013

Surface preparation and application requirements for coatings over structural steel are often overlooked in project specifications.  While this is not critical for many applications because the steel is covered by other finishes such as gypsum or pre-finished metal panels, it can be problematic for architectural exposed finishes or components requiring fire protective coatings. The typical…

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Masonry Testing Services

October 22, 2013

Masonry construction, which has been in existence for centuries, continues to evolve with new products and material applications to meet today’s construction demands. Construction materials testing and field inspections are needed to determine that the masonry products used on the job are in conformance with job and product specifications. These testing and inspection procedures will…

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Drilling into Education

October 8, 2013

Geo-Hydro was recently engaged by the Cobb County School District to perform a subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation of the planned additions to McCleskey Middle School. During our initial field work we had the privilege of meeting with several McCleskey faculty and staff. But what makes this project special is how our day-to-day project…

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