Northside Cherokee Replacement Hospital
Northside Cherokee Replacement Hospital
Canton, Georgia–2015 to 2017; 2017 to 2018
Services: Construction Materials Testing, Special Inspections
Clients: Northside Hospital; Batson-Cook Construction

Project Detail
Geo-Hydro provided construction materials testing and Special Inspections services for this $250 million replacement hospital project in Canton, Georgia. For the first phase of the replacement, Geo-Hydro performed construction materials testing and Special Inspections services on the seven-story, 525,00 square-foot hospital as well as the five-story, steel framed medical office building and five-level precast concrete parking deck. Geo-Hydro then provided construction materials testing and Special Inspections for additional renovations and modifications including the addition of an eighth floor to the hospital tower and the expansion of the parking deck.