LakePoint Sporting Community South Campus
LakePoint Sporting Community South Campus
Emerson, Georgia–2013 to 2016
Completion Date: 2016
Services: Geotechnical, Construction Materials Testing, NPDES
Clients: LakePoint Sporting Community and Town Center; Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC; Southland Engineering, Inc.; Wakefield Beasely & Associates, Inc.

Project Detail
Geo-Hydro performed geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, and NPDES Compliance services for the South Campus of the LakePoint Sporting Community in Emerson, Georgia. South Campus includes ball fields, concession buildings, a sports pavilion, a track and field complex, and other various structures and outparcels. Approximately 1.2-million cubic yards of earth was moved to achieve final grades for the South Campus construction. The LakePoint Sports Pavilion on the campus encompasses approximately 167,500 SF of clear-span floor space, including a partial mezzanine level. The South Campus also includes Terminus Wake Park and Perfect Game Baseball.