Harrison Poultry Feed Mill
Harrison Poultry Feed Mill
Crawfordville, Georgia–2018 to Present
Services: Environmental, Construction Materials Testing, Special Inspections, NPDES
Clients: Harrison Poultry, Inc.; The Winstead Group
Project Detail
Geo-Hydro is currently providing construction materials testing, Special Inspections, and NPDES Compliance services for the construction of Harrison Poultry Feed Mill located off Highway 22 in Crawfordville, Georgia. The project includes the construction of multiple silos and buildings on a disturbed site area of approximately 48-acres. The structures will consist of slab-on-grade, reinforced concrete walls, reinforced concrete slip form walls, and structural steel construction. The completed mill structure will be 171 feet tall, making it the tallest structure in Taliaferro County. Shallow foundations and auger cast piles will support the structures. The project will also require deep areas of fill to achieve design elevations at portions of the site for the rail system.