Goodwill Cumming
Goodwill Cumming
Cumming, Georgia–2016 to 2017
Services: Geotechnical, Construction Materials Testing, Special Inspections, NPDES
Clients: Goodwill of North Georgia, Inc.; The Piedmont Companies, Inc.

Project Detail
Geo-Hydro performed geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, Special Inspections, and NPDES Compliance services for the construction of a stand-alone Goodwill retail store located off Atlanta Highway in Cumming, Georgia. The project included the construction of the 25,496 square-foot building as well as associated parking, infrastructure, and stormwater management features. Geo-Hydro’s geotechnical services, which included a subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation, took place prior to our materials testing and inspections during the store’s construction. The store’s construction consists of structural steel, cast-in-place concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls, and a concrete slab-on-grade floor.