Crooked Run Solar, LLC
Crooked Run Solar, LLC
Willard, North Carolina–2018 to 2019
Services: Geotechnical, Construction Materials Testing
Clients: Cypress Creek Renewables, LLC; Horne Brothers Construction, Inc.
Project Detail
Geo-Hydro performed geotechnical engineering services for the initial site grading work for a substation at Crooked Run Solar Farm in Willard, North Carolina. The solar farm encompasses 1,000 acres. Geo-Hydro’s geotechnical engineering work included a subsurface exploration, a Shear Wave Velocity Profile Analysis, and geotechnical engineering evaluations. After the site grading, Geo-Hydro provided construction materials testing for the solar farm. The scope of work included roadway mix design, soil-cement amendment rate design, access road and substation pad stabilization observations, and observations of pile installation and load testing. For the construction of the substation, Geo-Hydro also provided field density testing and subgrade evaluation, foundation bearing surface evaluations, and concrete testing.