Leadership Gwinnett Education Learning Day
As a member of the Leadership Gwinnett Class of 2020, Jessica Rantamaki, Geo-Hydro’s Business Development Specialist, had the opportunity to participate in the program’s Education Learning Day. In the following post, Jessica discusses what she learned and reflects on the value of her experience taking part in this year’s Education Learning Day.
Since I began with Geo-Hydro, they have encouraged me to get involved locally, learn what it means to be a business leader, and develop my ability to mentor and inspire others. Geo-Hydro’s support has not only allowed me to participate in a project’s construction process but has also given me the opportunity to see our projects’ significance and impact on our community.
As a member of the Leadership Gwinnett 2020 class, I took part in the program’s Education Learning Day. This experience allowed me to dive into what schools means to the students, their families, and our community.
Leadership Gwinnett 2020 Education Learning day focused on the innovative way our county is reaching, teaching, and developing young minds. In Gwinnett county you can go from Pre-K all the way to a PhD through our network of a world-class public-school system, private schools, home schools, and post-secondary schools such as PCOM, Georgia Gwinnett College, UGA’s Gwinnett Campus, and Gwinnett Technical College. There is something for every one of every interest and background. Technology is big part of this innovative approach, with the STEM and STEAM specialized program and themed schools, to the recently opened McClure Health Sciences High School where students are given various learning track options to one day enter some aspect of the medical profession.
Through their 3DE initiative, Junior Achievement is working to bring the business community in to reach high school students and get them more engaged. Norcross High School is a 3DE school where students are brought specific and real business issues from community partners and through the course of the year the 3DE students use case methodology try to solve the business problem. The specific business case study is addressed in all subjects that are taught, and the 3DE commitment has shown to get otherwise uninterested students more engaged in studies, decreasing absenteeism among those students. Innovation is not just technology, but methodology. Using more creative ways to get young minds more involved in their community, and their own future is innovation that has benefit to our students, their families and community.
Leadership Gwinnett’s Education Learning Day gave me the chance to see how Geo-Hydro’s long-standing history building Gwinnett County’s public schools impacts the lives of those around us and adds value to our community. No matter what we are building, our passion for our work allows the project and our community to thrive.